Free/Reduced Lunch Information
**Information currently being updated**
Breakfast & Lunch Prices
Free & Reduced Lunch Forms - English
Free & Reduced Lunch Forms - Spanish
Sharing Information Addendum A
Student Insurance
Registration Instructions
Welcome to Daisy Ingraham Elementary School. In order to complete the registration for new students,
please supply the following documentation:
Enrollment Procedure
2 Proofs of Residency (i.e. mortgage or rental agreement, water bill, insurance bill, etc.)
Health records including immunizations and most recent physical exam
Birth Certificate
Transcripts of grades from previous school, including 504 and Special Education Plans if applicable.
Please fill out the following forms and return in person to Daisy Ingraham Elementary School or fax to 860-399-2002.
Registration Form
Language Assessment Survey
Signed Residency Affidavit
Records Release Form
Medication Administration Form
Bus Transportation Form
Student Information Sheet
To complete the registration process for your child, please call the school to set up a time to bring in these materials.
You will also have to bring all these forms with you at the time of visit.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!