Daisy Ingraham Health Office

Contact Information

Caitlin Bialek, LPN

Phone: 860-399-7925 ext: 1348

Fax: 860-399-2002

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:15am-3:15pm

Email: cbialek@westbrookctschools.org

IG: https://www.instagram.com/nurse_bialek_caitlin/

Meet the School Nurse


Hi Everyone,

My name is Caitlin Bialek. I grew up in Westbrook on a farm with my parents and 3 siblings. Growing up, I knew I always wanted to help others and follow in my mom’s footsteps as a nurse. I earned my degree at Lincoln Tech and graduated in 2011. I then started working in a pediatric doctor's office in New London covering the office's current head nurse’s maternity leave- I loved it so much I stayed for 11 years. I really enjoy working with the child & adolescent population and working as a school nurse has always been my dream job. I have been an avid horseback rider since I was four years old and I have competed on the Quarter Horse circuit for many years. I've owned many horses throughout my life but my favorite horses were Willie and Hannah, they what horse people call, my "heart horses". Hannah is living her best retirement life with a friend in CT (so I am able to visit her whenever I can) and in the summer of 2021 we made the tough decision to put Willie down due to a tumor in his stomach, he was 39 years old and I owned him for 21 of those years. In October 2022, we found a pony in need of a home and we couldn't resist, so we welcomed Peaches to our family. We also have two dogs- Remy & Max.

I am so excited because this is my third school year at Daisy and it is such an honor to be working at the same elementary school that I went to as a kid. When I'm not working I am hanging out with my husband Mike and our two children Lucas-8 and Amelia-4. We love going camping, spending time at the beach, and spending time with Peaches the pony. We live in the house right next door to my parent's house (which was my childhood house) in Westbrook. 


Physical & Immunization Requirements

Pre-K Students: Must have a physical done within one year prior to the first day of school. No student may start school without proof of the following prior to the first day of school:

  • The State of Connecticut Early Childhood Education form (completely filled out- parents/guardian must complete the first page and the doctor must complete the second page, including hemoglobin/hematocrit and lead level) If the requirements are not met, the student will be excluded from school.
  • A tuberculin risk assessment is recommended
  • A chronic disease assessment is mandated
  • Updated Vaccine record

Kindergarten Students: Must have a physical done within one year prior to the first day of school. No student may start school without proof of the following prior to the first day of school:

  • Blue Physical form (completely filled out – completely filled out- parents/guardian must complete the first page and the doctor must complete the second page, including hemoglobin/hematocrit, vision, hearing and all starred areas) If the requirements are not met, the student will be excluded from school.
  • A tuberculin risk assessment is recommended
  • A chronic disease assessment is mandated
  • Updated Vaccine record

New Students from Out of State: A physical exam done within one year will be accepted (must meet all requirements of Connecticut State Law and local health policies). A tuberculin risk assessment is also required. If no proof is presented, the student will be excluded from school.

New Students from Out of the Country: A physical exam completed by an authorized healthcare practitioner licensed in the United States must be done prior to enrolling (must meet all requirements of Connecticut State Law and local health policies). An authorized healthcare practitioner licensed in the United States stationed on U.S. military base anywhere is also acceptable. A tuberculin skin test is required. If the requirements are not met, the student will be excluded from school.

Immunizations: All students MUST meet the immunization standards required by the State of Connecticut.  Please see the link for immunizations required for your child’s age/grade.  Students MAY NOT be allowed to enter school if they do not meet the requirements.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to get the information to the building nurse BEFORE the first day of school.  Please note if the regulation states “on or after the 4th birthday” that is exactly what it means.  If the dose is given even one day before the 4th birthday, it does not meet the requirements.  2024-2025 Immunization Requirements 

Student Illness Guidelines

Many parents ask, “When is my child sick enough to stay home from school?” This is not always an easy question to answer! We
hope that these guidelines can help! A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to
other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place
for your child to stay if he/she is ill.
Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.

Car Seat Laws in CT

Tips & Reminders

  • When a child is absent from school, please call the school to inform us of the reason for his/her absence.  It is helpful to know why a student is absent because we track illnesses throughout the school year.
  • Please call the health office if your child has any new medical conditions such as asthma, food allergies, migraines, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, etc
  • Please alert the school nurse if your child is taking any medication, or if your child’s medication changes.  This is very important so that the nurses can be on the alert for possible side effects.
  • Should a temporary or permanent condition prohibit your child from participation in Physical Education class, you MUST provide the school nurse with a physician’s note documenting the condition and the physical restrictions.
  • Be sure to update the health office if your home, work or cell phone numbers change.
  • Please be sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather, including a hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants in the winter, and a hat and sunscreen in the warmer months.
  • Make sure your child has appropriate footwear.  Sneakers are the best choice for recess and physical education.
  • Accidents happen.  It is a good idea for younger children to pack a spare set of clothes to stay in their backpacks.
  • Treat minor things at home so your child does not miss learning time coming to the health office for chapped lips, bug bites, or poison ivy.

Allergy-Free Snack Ideas

  • Unsweetened Applesauce
  • Apple Slices or Banana
  • Dried Fruit
  • Veggie Straws
  • Kale Chips
  • Popcorn (Always check label)
  • Coconut Milk Yogurt
  • Rice Crackers/Cakes
  • Sun Butter (to put on crackers) 
  • Animal Crackers
  • Hummus/Guac
  • Veggies
  • Grapes & Berries
  • Clementines
  • Turkey Jerky
  • Pretzels
  • Pumpkin Seeds

The Importance of Eating Breakfast

Eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  A healthy breakfast is essential to fuel your child’s brain.  Overnight, your body uses stored glucose, and by morning the body is essentially fasting.  Eating breakfast replenishes this glucose and provides children the fuel they need to maintain their energy throughout the morning.  Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast tend to perform better in school and sports.  Students who do not eat breakfast tend to get sleepy at school and have a hard time paying attention. 

The health office sees many students daily who do not eat breakfast and then complain of headaches and stomach aches.  The health office does not have a supply of food to give kids who do not eat breakfast daily. Normally, the reason they do not eat is because they don’t have time in the morning.   Packing a “to go” breakfast to eat when they get to school is a good option or utilizing the breakfast service in the school cafeteria.  If your child doesn’t have time in the morning to eat, consider packing a yogurt, fruit, cheese, whole grain crackers, or breakfast shake. These are great options to eat on the go in the car or bus. 

 Choosing breakfast foods for your child that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein while low in added sugar may boost kids' attention span, concentration, and memory.  These are all essential to have a productive school day!

Guidelines For Caregivers **Not to replace the advice of your physician**

  • Fever
    • Get extra rest and eat light meals.
    • Drink extra fluids every 15-60 minutes.
    • Ask your healthcare provider to recommend an over-the-counter medication to reduce fever. Do not take aspirin! It can cause Reyes Syndrome.
    • If fever persists for more than 2 days, increases to over 102 degrees or symptoms continue to worsen, contact your healthcare provider.
    • No school until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  •  Upper Respiratory Infection (Cold Symptoms)
    • Ask your healthcare provider to recommend an over-the-counter medication to ease symptoms.
    • Do not take aspirin! It can cause Reye's Syndrome.
    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Use moist air from a vaporizer to help relieve congestion.
    • Contact your healthcare provider if:
      • breathing difficulties occur
      • you cough up green or yellow phlegm that has a bad odor
      • fever persists
      • you feel sicker each day instead of feeling better
  •  Nausea and Vomiting
    •  No solids for 8 hours.
    • Clear liquids only (not milk) until 4 hours have passed without vomiting. Start with one tablespoon every 10 minutes. If vomiting does not occur, double the amount every hour. If vomiting does occur, allow the stomach to rest for 1 hour and then start again. The key is to gradually increase the amount of fluid until taking 8 oz every hour.
    • Resume a normal diet as soon as tolerated.
    • Contact your healthcare provider if vomiting persists or if you suspect dehydration.
  •  Diarrhea
    •  Drink water , limit sports drinks (ie: Gatorade as it as A LOT of sugar and can actually make the diarrhea worse).
    • Eat the BRATT diet–Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea, and Toast.
    • Contact your healthcare provider if cramps, diarrhea, or pain increases or persists or if you suspect dehydration.
  •  Cuts, Abrasions, or Minor Burns
    •  Keep the affected area clean and dry.
    • Change the bandage in 24 hours or sooner if it becomes soiled.
    • Notify the healthcare provider if signs of infection develop such as swelling, red streaking, drainage or pus, pain, or fever.
    • Make sure the last tetanus shot was within 10 years for minor injuries or 5 years for major cuts.
  • Bruises, Sprains, or Strains
      •  Elevate and rest the affected area of the body to reduce swelling and pain.
      • Apply ice packs or cold compresses for 10 minutes as many times as possible to the injured area for the first 24 hours after the injury. Wrap the cold pack in a towel to minimize the risk of frostbite to the skin.
      • Notify your doctor immediately if the injured area becomes grossly swollen, discolored, cold, or numb, or if the injured limb is unable to bear moderate pressure or body weight.
      • Ask your healthcare provider to recommend an over-the-counter medication to reduce pain and inflammation.
      • Contact your family doctor or go to an emergency room if not better in 48 hours.
  •  Head Injury
    • You should watch for any of the following signs of severe injury, in which case you should seek the advice of your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
      • severe headache
      • excessive drowsiness (unable to be awakened when asleep for 4 hours)
      • nausea and/or vomiting
      • double or blurred vision or pupils of different sizes
      • inability to maintain an erect posture, staggering, etc.
      • unusual behavior, confusion, inappropriate anger
      • convulsions or discharge from the ear